Supporting our customers on their journey to more sustainable stores
As more and more retailers and brands pledge their ambition to become more sustainable, we want to support them on their journey, while reducing the footprint of our own operations.Sustainability is on top of the agenda for many retailers and branded goods suppliers and we want to do our part in supporting our customers to reach their sustainability objectives.
We also recognize our own responsibility in reducing the impact of our operations. This is why we are committed to the Science Based Targets initiative. As many of our customers, our targets have been approved and we are making progress towards reaching them every year. Read our press release about approved targets.
How we can support you to reach your sustainability goals
We offer solutions that help you to:
- Reduce the usage of virgin plastic
We offer HL Sustainable Choice, solutions made from more sustainable materials such as recycled plastic. We also have successfully closed the loop on plastic, by recycling datastrips and dividers from stores at end-of-life and recycling them into new products.
- Reduce packaging waste
With our solutions for packaging-free merchandising you can create the perfect display of unpackaged goods your store. Building on more than 20 years of experience in the area, our team of experts brings insights, tips and design expertise to the table. We also offer a range of solutions for loose merchandising of fresh produce. - Reduce food waste
A large share of a store’s food waste is generated in the fresh produce department. Sigma™ is a merchandising solution for chillers which allows stores to create abundant fresh produce display with less inventory that can be lost to shrink.
Every 1,000 Optimal™ black dividers save about 170kg of virgin plastic.Browse our Sustainable Choice offer

Read more how to reduce packaging waste
How we are decreasing the footprint of our own operations
Reducing CO2 emissions to reach our Science Based Targets is a priority for HL. The majority of our emissions fall within scope 3, and are mostly connected to the raw material we use in production. Therefore, we are continuously working to reduce the usage of virgin material in production, for example by collaborating with our suppliers to be able to source more high-quality recycled material, recycling our own production waste and sourcing recycled plastic through our circular offer.
Our emissions:
Our four focus areas
Improving our own operations is just one of our four sustainability focus areas. These are based on the knowledge of our full value chain.
Our value chain:

Our key priorities:
Helping customers to create more sustainable stores
HL provides sustainable solutions with a focus on end-of-life product treatment. We aim to expand the Sustainable Choice offer and apart from addressing matters such as food waste and consumer packaging, we offer products that are resource efficient and lasting.
Creating the best workplace
HL continuously invests in inclusive and safe work environments for our employees - embracing diversity and equality. We create a workplace where people live the HL values, and where all employees adhere to the Code of Conduct.
Driving continuous improvement in operations
HL's ambition is to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations and to increase the use of recycled and environmentally friendly materials. We are committed to decreasing raw material and water consumption, as well as improve the efficiency of transportation.
Ensuring responsibility throughout the supply chain
HL has a comprehensive supplier risk assessment and requires all suppliers to sign and adhere to the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. It establishes the company's strong position against corruption, ensuring employees and stakeholders practice honesty, integrity and responsibility.
Targets 2024
Helping customers to create more sustainable stores
To increase sales of HL Sustainable Choice offer by 10% year on year. To expand our Circular Offer to more markets.
Creating the best workplace
Maintain a score of 5 or less for Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate. Increase overall Engagement Index in the annual employment survey to 75. Maintain a score of 78 for “Regardless of background, everyone at HL Display has an equal opportunity to succeed”.
Driving continuous improvement in operations
Deliver on CO₂ reduction plan according to targets set in-line with SBTi. Increase the use of recycled material with 10% year on year.
Ensuring responsibility throughout the supply chain
To repeat the self-assessment for important suppliers which have completed the self-assessment in 2021 and account for 80% of total spend. For all new suppliers to sign the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. Ten on-site audits to be conducted. Supplier Full review of the 50 biggest suppliers.

Corporate responsibility at HL
Click to know more about how we work with Corporate responsibility at HL.